After taking these pictures I raised the sails and tried to do some sailing, but the winds were just too light to make that much fun and I knew Dad was anxious to see his old stomping grounds, so we took the sails back down and started motoring for the Norfolk harbor.
Dad shot quite a bit of video on the trip so I had to get a picture of him.
This was pretty similar to some of my previous trips but I went further to the west than I had before and I went as far as the Jordan Lift Bridge to the south. I hadn't realized that the lift bridge would have to be open to pass by. I will have to find out what the lift schedule is.
Having worked many years at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Dad gave me a real tour of the layout and a good discussion about all of the cranes, most of which he had worked on at one time or another.
At around 3 P.M. we put into the Portsmouth City Park - wow what a nice park and boat ramp. These are probably the best boating facilities in the area. I wish I had known about this ramp when I was doing all of that trailering. We took the boat out of the water so that I could trailer her home to touch up some paint spots that were messed up when the boat was put into the water at the marina. I also wanted to redo my VHF radio speaker so it wouldn't be in the way and decided to replace my dagger board wire line with low stretch Vectra 100 line and a few other small projects as well. I doubt I will get to them all as I am already in a hurry to get the boat back into the water.
This page last updated on 1/29/2012 6:49:36 AM. If you have comments or suggestions, email me at webmaster@jscheetz.com