Here are some people waiting at one of the docks at Town Point Park to view the Parade Of Sail.
The Coast Guard is leading the parade followed by some tugs and fireboat spraying water.
Tug shrouded in its own mist.
Fireboats spraying in front of the battleship Wisconsin and Nauticus museum on the right.
Notice that the sails are backed - obviously motoring against the wind.
The American Rover.
Bikini weather for one day anyway. There were lots more this was just the symbolic one.
Stink pots? What are they doing in a parade of sail?
HMS Bounty
The Wisconsin, Nauticus, HMS Bounty and the Norfolk skyline.
One of the Jamestown Replica ships.
Lots of local sail boats in the parade. Next year I think I'll join in instead of just being a spectator.
Gazela of Philadelphia
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