Alan Sutton has invited the team to go on an evening cruise on his Monk 36 Trawler. We departed from the Portsmouth Ocean Marine marina at about 4:30 PM and headed out the Elizabeth River to the Navy Piers. We returned at about 7:30 PM.
Christine Nemeth isn't comfortable being on a boat without a life jacket so before she gets on the boat she puts it on.
JJ is strapped on for the ride.
Al Moore is doing a little business before we get under way. He isn't really drinking water.
The "bridge crew" - Doug Wolvin, Jonathan Scheetz and Alan Sutton
The American Rover on one of their evening cruises.
Marty Friedline & Vince Jose
Christine with Norfolk in the background.
CVN-75 Harry S. Truman
JJ hangs on
Already heading back, Norfolk Naval Station on the port side.
Phil Edwards - our photographer - testing the rail.
Alan Sutton - our host and captain. With that autopilot he didn't have to play helmsman too often.
Al & Alan.
The gang - Geoffrey Hazel on the top right.
Alan's Monk 36 in her slip . I didn't notice if the boat had a name.
The GMAC team minus Mike Alexander who couldn't make it.
This page last updated on 9/3/2012 3:46:28 PM. If you have comments or suggestions, email me at webmaster@jscheetz.com