Took this picture of the hatch because I think rain blows in at the front at the top - particularly the left front corner So, I wanted to have a picture so I could think about possible solutions from home. The picture shows the solar panel and the newly refinished hatch cover.
What's left of the N-Telos Pavilion in Portsmouth after hurricane Isabel.
On the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River the Schooner-Of-Virginia project is under way.
The schooner is the tube.
The schooner under construction.
It was pretty chilly (mid forties) and there was a slight breeze. I'm showing that the boat is steering itself using the new autopilot.
Here's Dad looking as salty as ever.
This page last updated on 1/29/2012 6:49:40 AM. If you have comments or suggestions, email me at webmaster@jscheetz.com