I've been trying to find the best time of year to schedule my long (usually one week) sailing trips. I've tried May, it ended up being cold and rainy (rain three days straight). I've tried August, which I should have known better, was hot and humid. I've tried October, which turned out to be unseasonably cold and windy. Truth be told, except for August, all of these trips should have been fine. The problem is that when I set sail the weather is "abnormal" for the time of year. Yeah right.
Anyway I've concluded you just base your picks on the average and hope for the best. Looks like that would be early June and early October. Should be low eighties and sunny. So, this years trip was set for early June.
Guess what, it was mid nineties all week! But, at least this time I was prepared for what to expect and it wasn't bad at all. However, there was a huge fire in North Carolina (a peat fire had been burning for weeks) and the smoke was drifting up to the bay. This made breathing difficult especially at night when there wasn't any breeze and the humidity was high.
That said, I really did enjoy the trip!
This year the trip was intentionally shorter than user - I only planned a short three day trip to fully explore Mobjack Bay and its tributaries.
Here we are sailing wing-and-wing on our way North to Mobjack bay. This is the first time I've sailed with the Bimini up. I don't really like doing that since access to the sails and lines is pretty restricted. But on a fairly calm day when the wind isn't gusty it worked pretty well. It sure was nice not having the sun beat down on us. The picture also shows my electronics on full display, depth finder, compass, 5 inch Lowrance GPS, fish finder (rarely used).
Dad. The sun sure does make you drowzy.
Day1 - track from Willoughby Bay slip to Severn River - 36.7 miles.
Dad doing dishes after pancakes for breakfast. That's our routine, I cook and he washes, which works out pretty well.
Heading back out of the Severn river. This was a pretty relaxing scene.
Our gear all stowed away. What a difference from the earlier trips. With the large cabinet doors making easy access to the storage tubs there (pots, pans, snacks, etc.) and the food tub in the bow, everything is organized much better. On a small boat, it really makes difference to not have to be continually moving things. Yahoo!
Warner Hall from the water.
Building near Warner Hall.
Dad eating soup from the can. On a hot day (another scorcher) eating cold soup from the can was really pretty good. No cleanup is required and it is almost refreshing - who would've thought.
Day2 - track from Severn River to Ware River and then North River - approximately 35 miles.
Heading back down the North River on Sunday morning. We had anchored just north of here. This grand house looks great in the morning light. Early mornings like this are fantastic.
Elmington Plantations. Considered to be one of the great sites from the water on the Chesapeake Bay. It sure looked grand in the morning sun.
More hot sun!
Day3 - track from North River back to Willoughby Bay - 39.2 miles.
This page last updated on 1/29/2012 6:50:17 AM. If you have comments or suggestions, email me at webmaster@jscheetz.com